Stoke the Engine
How Do Your Invest in Yourself to Crush Your Day?
For an author and speaker, creativity is everything.
It’s true for other professions, too. If it’s not creativity that is critical, it might be processing speed or problem solving or strategic vision or all of these and more. Every day, we have to find our edge if we are going to crush not only the day, but our careers as well.
For me, my best ideas, my most creative thinking and my most insightful problem solving comes from the energy I generate to stoke my “engine,” which is my body, brain and heart. Keeping those healthy allow me to do what I do best and enjoy the process, too.
Someone, who expected me to be slowing down in Act 2, asked me recently how I have so much energy. I started these habits long ago when I had 3 small children at home and worked really long hours. They were my survival then and they help me be at my best now. I wish it was some secret recipe or newfound youth serum, but it’s the same things we have heard before applied with intentionality and discipline.
Exercise. I exercise 1 hour every day. Not only does it make my body feel better, it generates tremendous energy for me to create. My best ideas come while I am on my bike. I solve problems on long walks. I develop strategy during a swim. Cardio, strength, yoga - find the things you love, mix it up and be consistent.
Eat well. Notice I didn’t say “don’t eat simple carbs or saturated fats or high fructose corn syrup” (although limiting these is a good idea). I don’t know what works for you, but I found what works for me to help the numbers I want to go down, go down and the numbers I want to go up, go up. Learn what your numbers are, set your goals, do your research and do what works for you. Make good choices and you will gain energy from the fuel you put in your body.
Sleep. Sleep 7-9 hours every night. Your body needs rest and sleep. Your performance at anything is better with enough sleep. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Yes, even on weekends. I can tell you from experience, some of the best things happen before 7:00 a.m.
That’s it - just 3 things to achieve greater energy. Nothing new, only a new testimony and a reminder. Energy stokes your engine to perform at its best. When you perform at your best, then you crush your career!
Looking for other ideas of how to manage your career? Check out my book: Crush Your Career: Ace the Interview, Land the Job and Launch Your Future, available right here.