Crush Your Day

If you want to crush your career, start by crushing your day.

The most important hour of the day is the first one. How do you spend it? Hitting the snooze button? Scrolling social media? Waiting in the drive-thru for breakfast on the run? Watching a morning news show?

How you spend the first hour of the day will likely determine the outcome of your whole day.

Years ago, my boss pulled me aside and gave me some tough feedback. He said something like this, but maybe a little less harsh: “I don’t know what you need to do before you come to work, but you need to show up more positive.”

That was the most important piece of feedback I ever received. It changed my life. 

At the time, we were a dual-career couple with three young sons. My mornings were crazy. I felt like the old U.S. Marines advertisement. I did more before 7:00 a.m. than most people did all day. Not only did I have to get myself up and dressed (in business wear in those days), I had to dress and feed 3 little ones and get them to three separate schools miles from one another.

 In addition to my own “to-do list” running through my head, I had their “to-do” list in my head. Did you get your band instrument? Do you have your P.E. Clothes? Where is your homework? Give me the permission slip to sign. Does the youngest have a snack? Whose backpack is still on the counter? Let’s practice those spelling words one more time.  Where is your other shoe?

I was anxious. The kids were anxious. We were not living our best lives. My boss’s feedback was timely and needed, but I wasn’t sure I knew how to improve the situation without quitting my job. I took some practical steps to reduce some of the crazy, like outsourcing cleaning the house and other chores. But, I was in need of a serious change of heart, from the inside out. I went to work on me.

 Observing some of my co-workers, many in a similar situation to me, I noticed they weren’t as frazzled. They actually seemed calm and at peace. What was their secret? I needed to know, so I started asking questions.

What I learned was that the peaceful and calm people started their day with an hour dedicated to themselves. They prayed, read their Bible, read something to strengthen their business knowledge and they exercised. It all sounded good, but how could I do all that in the midst of the morning chaos? There was only one solution. I would have to get up one hour before anyone else in our house.

At first, it was difficult. When the children were young, that meant I needed to be up at 5:00 a.m. to have an hour for myself. As they got older and were able to get ready for school by themselves, I was able to start at 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. Once I committed to the hour, then I needed to decide what to do with that hour.

For me, I subscribed to what I call the PRE Day Plan. Pray. Read my Bible. Exercise. Plan my day. That one hour each day changed my life, strengthened my leadership, improved my parenting, and even enhanced our marriage. I became healthier physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I showed up differently, not only at work, but in all of the relationships in my life.

If you can crush your day, then you are on your way to crushing your career and ultimately accomplishing your personal and professional goals.

If you want to learn more, then read my book, Crush Your Career: Ace the Interview, Land the Job and Launch Your Future. Available at on-line retailers and always at


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